What does it mean when you drive it in to work, after 2 weeks sitting and you look in the rear view and see a mouse sitting on the back window ledge?, other than the fact the mouse has a good eye for cars. I was sure he was going to run up friont and up my pant leg as I drove down the interstate!
Can I change my vote? I check "driver," but I haven't been driving every day, I really just drive to local shows. These are not Concours shows, but get togethers like the Fun Ford Sunday in Vallejo yesterday, or the Good Guys Get Togethers in Pleasanton in March, June, and November. So I'm not sure if it's a Show Car or a Cruiser, but it isn't a daily driver yet. Roz
Just got it, so I'm still finding out what kind of shape it's actually in, but still runs and drives.