Who here will be going to the fall rod run this september 15-18th http://www.mypigeonforge.com/calendar.asp Me and the misses will be there all weekend. We get a cabin up at hidden mountain resort. Wont have a maverick ready this year but if it doesnt rain i will take the dune buggy up. if anyone goes we can all meet and have lunch on saturday at Bennetts BBQ PM me and i will give you my cell number. Robert
I might make it......I think Ward F. will be there and we were planning on getting up with him and his wife.
Yes I will be there and it would be great to have lunch or something. We are staying in Gatlinburg from the 15 to the 22 of sep. We'll be in the exploroer, have to move the whole family at once and the wife ain't traveling in the 4 door. would love to meet up.
I and a few others of the MCCI will be meeting for lunch at bennetts on saturday to shoot the breeze. Want to meet with us just email me at Robert.Bailey(AT)fordmaverick.info . Cell 865-two five zero -1006. trying to fool the info crawlers most likley doesn't work
Identifing me As i am sure we all remember faces and names from the round-up since we all did a lot of :Handshake i will be wearing my white MCCI shirt...have to advertise the club.... plus if you see a primered gray VW dune buggy with 2 red flags on the back and a plate that says 69BUGGY that will be me. See you all there. Robert
MR. Bailey .I will be in the Forge this weekend too, sorry to say I,ll be in my black 96 GT Mustang.Should be the only one there Huh?LOL been working on my Mav ,got a long way to go.Hope to see you there. Mitch Reagan
Steve Moore, Robert Bailey and I are going to meet at Bennetts BBQ sat around lunch sometime. Here is my cell # if you would like to try and meet with us. two seven zero-two three four-six seven seven eight I'll be arriving Fri afternoon, Hope to see you there. Ward
fun,fun,fun just got back from the madness..... well me and ward's family met up and had a good meal and talked about cars and the club. Although short its was good to just have anothe maverick nut to talk too. I saw 5 cars this year. 2 comets(one with a maverick hood) and 3 mavericks. 2 of them were for sale and i have pictures of them if anyone is interested....but have deep pockets..nothing under $6000 and one maverick was 12,000. robert
It was great to meet up with you also Robert. I wish it could have been much longer but hey I felt lucky just to take up a little family time to go to the show. Maybe next time Robert. I saw a young kid in a black primered big bumper mav running at least 20" rims, not my thing but at least the next generation is checking these cars out. Thank you again Robert for waiting on us.