Hello all! I'm new to the forum as of today. I picked up a 1976 Comet sedan this morning from the original owner. Only 54000 miles on her, but i need your help please. Did they put power breaks on these things? i think i found a power booster at one site. But I want to be sure. Is it possible to put power breaks on this thing? She is a really pretty car, in solid shape, but i want to drive her in the winter. I live in S.E. Wisconsin, and there is no way I'm gonna drive a car w/out power breaks in snow. heh heh, if i cant do it. Anyone wanna buy this thing? Thanks all.
Hi and welcome to the board. Both the Comets and the Mavericks could be ordered with power brakes. My 77' Maverick came equipped with factory power brakes. I see no reason why you could not switch your Comet so it too has power brakes. If I remenber right, you would need a power brake booster, the under the hood brace that is bent to go around the booster, the brake pedel would need to be changed and possibly the master cylinder. I have never done the switch myself, but some of the guys here who have done the switch would be able to give you more information.
If it's a decent, solid car, why do you want to mess it up driving it in the snow? I have never seen a '76 Maverick or Comet without power brakes. I thought they were standard past '75 , but what do I know.
The 77 4-door in my signature came from the factory without power brakes. I personally don't like the firewall to tower brace on a power brake car. Like Jamie said why drive it in the winter if it's in good shape ? These cars are past the good for winter beater stage. Moving right up, I think most of the recent Ford mags have at least one in it. Reconsider, they're fun to drive and get alot of attention ! Just my
if you want a booster i would recomend reading on the geo-metro coversion they look good whitout breaking the bank I think you are refering to disk brakes,every 75 and up has had disk that i have seen.
No, I was not refering to disc brakes. Literally every '76 and '77 Mav I have seen (includeing the two I own) have power brakes. Whatever. Just one of those things I guess.
welcome e My 69 1/2 has the disc brake conversion it stops very well so i don't know wether power brakes will help you that much more. If i was you i wouldn't drive it in the winter these car are very nice and up in Alberta they are getting harder to come buy.
Seems like power brakes would be worse in the snow than manual. I am from NY and have driven in lots of snow. Either way ... a power brake conversion is very involved modifcation ... do a search.
Why would power brakes make a difference? I drove 2 mavericks through several Montreal winters (Which are heavy) with no power brakes and dont see how power brakes would have helped with anything. I would not be surprised if it were easier to lock your wheels with power brakes.