I went today at 700am to pick my maverick (2nd one) and i have some pics of interior and exterior. the seats look in damned good shape and wheels too. The car has sport mirrors and front disc brakes on front. I will be using the a/c stuff and front and rear drive line as well as some of the interior but everything else has to go.:bananaman anyone need anything all things I don't need must go and cheap. By the way sorry in advance for photobucket pics they high res. http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g84/rolandag2/Picture003.jpg http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g84/rolandag2/Picture005.jpg http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g84/rolandag2/Picture001.jpg http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g84/rolandag2/Picture002.jpg