Ive been looking into some of the synthetic oils on the market and was considering using it for the next oil change. I cant seem to find anything bad about it, seems a little too good to be true but who knows. The engine sees daily driver conditions, rarely tops 60mph, just rolled the 100,000mile mark a few months ago and will be seeing some very cold startups over the next few months. As far as I know the engine is in good condition, no blue smoke or anything of that nature. right now I'm running castrol's high milage. If any body has some opinions I'd apperciate it.
i use synthetic in the race car, but it's a little expensive for a daily driver. if you have any leaks the synthetic oil will leak even more. it is good stuff but you still need to change it just not as often. it dosen't wear out but it does get contaminated. if you can find it on sale stock up on it. my wife found the 5 qt. containers at walmart once and called me. they had a closeout on the 5w-30 i use in the race car for $10 each. i had her grab every one they had (5).
My grandpa runs Mobil 1 in his '05 F150 with the 5.4. Changes the filter every 5,000 and the oil every 15,000. His '81 Dodge Ram with a 318 ran to 468,000 miles with that routine. The engine still runs strong with only slight smoke at startup. The truck itself is falling apart. I run Castrol 10w30 in my 250. Change the oil and fiter every 4,500. Engine still runs strong with no smoke at 214,000 miles (I am following the same routine that the guy who owned it since '76 did).
I would not recommend it either, only if it has been used in the engine for a long time previously. My understanding is to run a new engine on reg type oil for a few thousand miles before switching to synthetic. Mobil1 is great stuff for race engines along with synthetic trans fluid and rear end lube. Can produce faster times on the track, withut a doubt.
The only problem that synthetic oil really has is that it cleans really well. Old engines with lots of gunk in them will probably start to leak because the gunk was what held it together. You can switch back and forth between synthetic and convetional. Its all oil. Synthetic is basically just the oil with all the bad molecules removed. I use sythetic in everything that needs oil. even my lawnmower. Stop and go, and slow granny short trips are about the hardest things you can do to an engine (except racing). I recommend synthetic for daily drivers.
Agreed. The only reason I'd use dyno juice when you first build a motor is that it will get drained out and recycled after 500 miles or less. That just gets rid of your initial "break-in" bits and pieces that come loose. It would be expensive to do that with syn oil.
Well, my engine certainly hasn't had any problems on non synthetic oil for the past 30 years, and dosen't show any signs of quitting anytime soon. Changeing your oil and keeping the vehical properly maintained is what matters, regardless of what oil you run. My uncle has been in the small engine repair buisness since the late 60's and just recently retired. He is a Briggs & Stratton, Tecumseh and Kohler certified tech and recomends running the cheapest oil you can get in lawnmowers. He says anything more is just a waste of money.
I certainly wouldn't recommend it on a 100,000 mile car. Stick with conventional in your Mav. Use synthetic on new cars.....usually after 3,000 miles break in. Good Luck, Craig
if you DO want to use synthetic, they do make a high mileage synthetic.. valvoline has one..of courseim kinda partial because i work for them but still.. its there.