just got back from 2 days of fishing. what a rough life. matt, did the paypal payment come through okay? don
I gotta say the logo is kinda cool , Id like to have seen the Comet have Big bumpers though, I'll be watching the action, Still staying with MCCI but hey theres always room for more, just as there is always room , for more Mavs and Comets, But dual membership may be in the future one thing at a time for now though. I pitcture that logo on a Colbalt Blue coffeee Mug, with the logo edged in silver
does this club have a message board or anything? I know that your starting it up, but the link only has minimal info on it. where do we see what is planned or in the works? or communicate with others? just curious.
Not sure if it will be interactive or not....thats up to the "webmaster"....but more updates will be coming.....soon.
I recieved 4 snail-mail applications on Friday 1) Arkansas 2)Pennsylvania 3) Indiana 4) Goergia *Welcome to the MCG*
I'm not paypal stupid but I can't seem to get paypal to work. So John when I gettime toget tothe local post office and ,it's actually open when I come through, I will send you my app and money. The P.O opens at 8:30am I go by at 7:30am and it closes at 5:00 Pm and I go by at 6:30 pm It's such a pain in the arse.
OK Lance.....not a problem. We have heard concern in the past that many people wanted, in other clubs, a PAY-PAL set-up to pay membership dues and what-not....so this is what the MCG wanted to do....we listen to the people. But, we will still accept the ole snail mail.
yeah paypal still not working for my payment , me and Matt have been trying to get my payment sent i guess ill snail mail it couple days you will be getting west virginia well Matt will
Thanks Eddie.....PAY-PAL was something that the founding members of the MCG knew would be a little difficult at first.....and we will get the bugs worked out.....but we felt if people wanted PAY-PAL, then it was worth the effort it took to make it happen. Thanks again for everything!
i sent mine paypal but it wouldn't take a credit card. so i resent it yesterday using a checking account. hope it dosen't bounce.
If it bounces, we come looking for you.. :evilsmile I'm trying to get the account upgraded so we can accept credit cards, but it's going to take a few more days. Stay tuned...