hey people !!! Car wont start again!!!! Im pretty sure its the solenoid but Im still going to ask before I buy one. Ok anyways car wouldnt start so again the battery was drained. I charged the battery with my uncles car and I could only crrank it once and the battery was already drained, no matter how long the battery was charged. (battery was still getting jump started while I was trying to start it). Next think that happened is that when I tried to start it, sparks came from the solenoid. I couldnt see where exactly but my uncle said it came from where the black cable is connected and goes to the battery( positive terminal I think). Starter Solenoid is bad right? afterwards I had another solenoid in the trunk, it came with the car when I bought it, so I decided to see if it was any good. I hooked it up, and it was easier than I thought. I tried starting it and the car tried to start but even when I took out the key from the ignition, the starter was still turning the fan. This happened everytime I tried to start it. Battery was drained again ( it wasnt fully charged anymore anyways) Did I connect something wornd or is the solenoid bad? Im pretty sure I hooked up everything correctly. Also before I put the other solenoid in I shaked it and you can hear stuff inside move. That didnt happen the other solenoid that had the sparks coming out of it. so are they both bad? Oh yeah If I buy a new one there is one at autozone from wells and it says "Do not use "I" terminal if replacing a 3 terminal switch" I dont know what this means, but the solenoid the car always had used the I terminal. i shouldnt worry about this right? Thanks alot!!!!
You cooked the solenoid. The other solenoid is most likly bad. Buy the right solenoid. The one you mention is wrong, if autozone doesn't have one go somewhere else. Also get a new battery cable, if you saw smoke and sparks the cable is bad. Than have your battery check and charged. You could have shorted it out inside. I hope this helps. Good luck.
The solenoid is probably bad, but why? You should have a draw test done on the starter (can be done on the car). It can draw excessive current and will heat up the spot in the circuit with the most resistance. Which will be the switch (solenoid). There is no fuse in that pathway so something WILL fry if there is a short. Just replacing the solenoid again could result in another bad solenoid. They could spark and/or melt together(causing starter run-on) which you have already experienced. Good news is that starters for our cars are very cheap. Oh, And make sure the wire from the solenoid to the starter is not/has not touching(ed) the exhaust manifold.
starter is bad.. i had the same problem... starter is crating too much draw and drains the battery and then you think it is the battery and the solenoid check the starter
the thing is that the starter is brand new! probably just 2 months old. Damn! I hope thats not it though. Ill find out thanks for the help!
hey people! One more question. I decided to try the solenoid i bought. No more sparks coming out of the solenoid now!!! The thing is that now when I try to start the car, the fan keeps going and going even when I take out the key. Battery is completely drained and I even saw some smoke coming from the jumper cables on my battery!!!! Alright question is: Can it only be the starter or did I hook up something wrong? I forgot everything else everyone wrote last time, so I didnt get the starter chechked or nothing. sorry!!!
sounds like you hooked up the fan to a hot wire and not an ignition wire... could be that the fan is always on and so its draining the battery... also if the wires are hot and smoking, that would lead me to believe that a wire is crossed somewhere
I dont know any of this wire stuff. All I did was put everything together like it was on the old solenoid. the only thing that might be messed up is the two wires that go connected to the S terminal thing. I have no idea. My car also has a killswitch (button that turns on the car right?) I dont know if that is going to complicate things for me How do I know which wires are crossed and stuff??? Which wire is the one to the fan??? If I cant figure this out Im going to try to find some member close to me to come and help me!!!
There is supposed to be a thermostatic switch that came with the fan. It is suposed to run if the car is hot - even after you stop and get out but when it cools it is supposed to shut off. It shouldn't run when you get up in the morning and get in the car and turn the key on - even if you start the motor the electric fan shouldn't turn on until the car is warm.