Yes, they are in production as we speak. A couple of unexpected things have happened.... Inventory of the facility has put us about a week behind. Bigger head flanges had to be ordered. To any of you that have ordered the headers already or plan to... Call me direct @ (951) 371-1744 ext. 257 for the play by play. As an added bonus I will try to take pics of the parts as they go through production. It is kinda neat to see Jamie
YES! You just made my day Thanks Jamie Will they call when they are billing us? I know it's gonna be a few weeks, but just so we know to expect a call Shaun
great work guys. I must have missed the price? How much will they be. and where can they be ordered from? thanks tim
Here is the price and all the info you need. Like I have said in the past... If you have any futher questions, please feel free to call or pm me. I kinda like all my Maverick/Comet bros calling me in person. Rolandag, dont hurt yourself on that bad a$$ hayabusa .
Again I say ... Is there not 1 owner of a windsor powered MAV in SoCal that is interested enough to support a test fit?
honestly , theres really not that many windsor owners w/ stock front end..... and if they do prolly dont know about this board. If i were closer i would be more than willing have a test fit
Well I might consider sending you a copy to try out, but it might take you 3 weeks to get your hookers back out of that car . + = 6208's j/k
Hmmm .. any update on the clutch linkage clearance? If they are sized similar to the factory manifold they may fit ...
My engine is out right now (351)...using factory 302 mounts, and backing it with a Toploader 4 speed...I'd be happy to test fit them...pretty sure I can get them in there...might just end up sending a check in return if they work out nice! j/k... Btw...I am keeping my factory towers...I've had to beat the tar outta a cheapie pair of Pep Boys special 69.99 header tubes (small sacrifice)...was running a floor shifted auto... <--- Happy to be a guinea pig...
i have shock towers also they are just notched... but i have big tubes are you using clutch linkage? or cable