Actually, for a classy and professional finish, I've found that if you simply cover the entire dash pad in black duct tape it turns out looking great and last forever! When the edges of the tape start to fray and look crappy, just add another layer! As an added bonus, you get mad props from other car owners, especially during car shows.
The concept is the same. Cover up the ugly damaged original instead of replacing it. Oh, and I think Farmer Bob would be offended by that remark. Okay, so your cap is 13 years-old. My original is 30. I already have you beat there. My eyes are still in pretty good shape, and I put a cap on my buddy's Maverick about 3 weeks ago. It looks good, but my 30 year-old original still looks better. If you read my previous posts; you'd be reminded that I do not recommend Armor-All. Yeah, LAZY. It takes 30 seconds to wipe a protectant on the dash pad. I never said not to use a dash cap. In fact I said they are cool. But if someone has a good original, there is no reason that a cap would be preferable. You are correct. I also think it's a great "alternative" (when an original is not available). You seem to forget that I too am one of those people who bought one. I paid for it with my money, not my friend's. It was a gift for him. I never would have bought one if I didn't think it was cool.
Hey Alex, was someone able to get the info that you needed to you? I think I've got some photos floating around that might help you if you need 'em.
Cole 639, How are you taking the high spots out of your dash? Also anyone here know if I can still get a dash pad at the reduced price, didn't have the money when all this was coming around.
There are some decent priced ones on Ebay right now...Might still be some laying around from the recent group purchase.
You guys comeing in here makeing all the stupid little jokes need to GTHO. We are obviously have a very serious life threatening debate over dashes here. So these childish little pop corn jokes are not needed, just like on the rest of the threads were the same people post them every time. halebop, you better not get one of those reduced price dash caps. Apparently you are not correctly fixing your car and may as well just put duct tape all over the dash. Just ask the folks here.
I am just using fiberglass resin in the small hairline cracks and fiberglass and resin in the bigger ones then sand them flat with a da or orbital sander. It wouldnt have to be perfect just good enough to get the polyester fabric to lay down smooth and then resin over it. Its basicaly like you see them make the custom speaker boxes on tv shows like Unique Auto Sports does.
Well, My dash has one pretty good sized crack plus it is literally burned black. SOO got nothing to lose by putting the cap on. My opinion is this, Would I go out and buy an orignal dash pad not cracked?, Only if I was to the point to do a rotissere restoration and would have the dash apart anyway. That's WAAAAY down the road, I plan my car to go in stages 1st stage get it driveable enough to take it out once a week around the block, to keep the mice out of it. Next (Current stage) start making it SAFE to drive further, maybe to Work once a week. New front tires, Then exaust, ( fumes can be pretty bad hate smelling like exaust after I drive it), Next Tackle Halting Rust/ Repair rusted areas.Weld patches in the small areas of the trunk floor that need it. Then Have my Quarters fixed so the trunk is completely sealed. Then work my way up and fix the minimal floor rust it has. Once all that is done, I will turn to the front fenders. Then Rebuild the Motor, and tranny My goal first is to have it look decent, safe and dependable, THEN after I save enough I will start over with a full on restoration. Then, Maybe a replacement original dash will go in.... Heck they might be making repops at that point anyway as far off as that is I might have to ocnvert to hydrogen power due ot lack of Oil!! HAHA
If you find a nice, undamaged dash *GRAB IT NOW*. Alice was my daily for 5 years with her undamaged dash pad - Pledge, armour all ect ect every few weeks and pop over shades during the summer (Black vinal seats got **** HOT! And I couldn't drive standing up!!) Sorry, I'd only use a dash pad as an interum thing - even a 'carpet' one from Schucks if it was really trashed - until I could replace it when I got around to an interior modification. BTW - do the cosmetic things (fenders ect) LAST. Breaks and exhaust first, tranny/moter next, then all the pretties. Alice looked like a beater for a long time but she started, stopped, and before she got painted ate ricestangs for breakfast.....
A guy comes on here on how to remove a dashpad. And it ends up as this. And everyone gives their opinon on what is going on in polymer science. Who cares about your thinking? Sam, congrats to you for offering how to remove. Dan
:16suspect Oh Dashpads have always been a hot topic.... Nice to know some things are as familiar as an old shoe... :Handshake