I am going to be doing the swap pretty soon. Disc up front (thanks Lonnie for the part numbers) 5 lug drums in the back. I know its a pretty straight forward swap...doesn't seem difficult at all, but maybe some advice, tips or input on things to watch for or easy ways to do things might help me and possibly others that plan to do it in the future.
Only advice I can offer, is be sure to use new U-bolts on the rear end. There is four of them, take one of the old ones with you to an auto parts store and match them up with some new ones. Ohh, and good luck with the emergency brake cables. Those had me cussing for quite a while when swapping the '72. Man they're royal a b!tc# to get loose...
I was told on here and have seen the advice given on several other forums to always replace the U-Bolts if they are original. When two of four of mine broke off while loosening them, that was reason enough for me not to reuse the ones that didn't break! So, why not replace them???? Their cheap, and when it comes down to it, they are the only thing that connects the rear axel to the car..
Well, that would have saved me a little frustration had I known that. I got it done, one tab at a time, very carefully!
Got the rear end pulled out this weekend.....Thanks for the tip on the e-brake! I had my oldest son working the impact and air ratchet....that was fun. Adam went under the car without safety glasses....cause he would not listen to dad....but he came out from under the car with safety glasses on It was fun watching him get all greasy
5 lug swap I was told that you can also simple get 5 lug axles and drums and put in the 4 lug place. Is there any truth to this? I cant seem to find a the hole rear end. and the lincoln versallies are had to find.
No. I have measured the bearings on multiple 4 and 5 lug rearends and have personally tried it. The 5 lug axels do not work in the 4 lug housing. You have to swap the entire rearend, which is not really all that hard aside from screwing with the emergency brake cables.