Hello I just installed a 302 in what use to be straight 6 250. but I was wondering how the mounts go in since they have a space on one side and depending on how you use them it will either bring the motor forward or back. I am also putting in power steering but center link will not fit due to the oil pan. I cant even put the manual back since it too is hitting the oil pan. HELP
are you using a front sump oil pan? if not that's what you need. check the archives for the motor mount question or someone may post a pic on here.
once again MUST have front sump...heres a pic of the motor mount and frame exactly the same on either side
thank you all for ur help :HandshakeI will chech tomorrow about the oil pan I think i don't have that pan.
front sump does any one have a picture of a front sump oil pan? how can you tell. my 302 oil pan has the larger part in the rear which is why my p/s or manual will not fit. the oil pick up screen leeds to the big end so will I have to change the screen when I find the front sump oil pan? I tried to add pictures but have trouble.
sump oil pan Hey eddie ebay is showing me a different front sump pan for my motor size i have a 302 and I think the one your showing is for a 351. I need the big part in the front or at the water pump end. I found it on ebay though but I'm wondering if I will have to change my oil pick up screen since it leeds to the big end now.
sump oil pan this is it right http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/SMALL-BLOCK-FORD-FRONT-SUMP-OIL-PAN_W0QQitemZ140043588674QQihZ004QQcategoryZ38657QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
i thought it was for a 302...maybe it was listed wrong yeah make sure its for a 302 a 351w oil pan WONT fit. ok when your standing in front of the car , the deep part should be closest to you, right below the water pump and harmoic balencer if you have a rear sump now , you will have to change , your pick up. your pick up will be very short now. if your not sure , its easy to change 2 bolts that connect to the oil pump, make sure you have thread locker so that bolts dont come out