But it WAS a fact - that if I were in his position, that is what I would do... The one thing I've always appreciated about these boards is the idea that with very few exceptions, there are at least as many 'facts' as there are posters....
*sigh* I know... not this week anyway.... I SHOULD be doing inventory, I SHOULD have been at work.... But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
We need to start a new forum..."Maverickers After Midnight"...MAM, for those of us who live for our Mavs way after dark :Handshake
And I only explained it on what, post #5? And offer what I believe to be another great option depending on what he is going to do with the car, an option he may have not even known about. He can decide for himself what is best, for his car and his situation. This is the entire point of a discussion forum.
Can we keep talking about dash pads? I still feel a little confused... does the pad go on top? Can anyone post a pic? :deadhorse
What are you confused about? The pad screws to the dash. A cap is a perfectly formed plastic cover that snaps on over the dash pad to protect it or cover up an old cracked dash pad and make the interior look nice again. Most people never know the diffrence between a cap and the real thing unless you tell them. Pics... Better not use those dash caps though guys. They are only a temporary solution at best and are on par with duct tapeing your dash and putting cheapo wal mart seat covers on. Ok, I'll quit stirring the pot here...
guess i'll e-bay my absolutely perfect black dashpad i took from my 72 that i just parted out. must be worth a fortune.
It doesn't need to die. People enjoy having discussions on a discussion forum. If you aren't interested in this thread, there are plenty of others to choose from...
I would advise not using armor all but try to find (from your local detail shop) a vinyl and rubber dressing called product 1000 as I was in the detail business for many years this was and is the best stuff on the market. by the way where can I find a good pad for my 1976 maverick?? I just started the restoration on it