I'm 16 and looking for a mild restoration. I first looked into the 1968-1970 Mustangs and Camaros, but those are just to much money for me right now. I did quite a bit of searching and stumbled apon a 1970 Maverick that needs a mild restoration. I then told my mom what I had found and she just started laughing and I couldn't figure out why. She kept saying that the car was ugly and stuff (In a joking way)... she still can't believe that I'm looking into one. I then went to a few other forums and did a search for Mavericks and found some people messing around/bashing Mavericks... Can anyone please tell me why this is? Thanks!
Well, it's because some Mavericks really are ugly, which gives them all a bad reputation. Everyone has seen an ugly Maverick in their lifetme, so many of them stereotype. The Maverick body has very attractive "lines", and can look awesome if the owner knows what to do and what not to do. By the way, I was 16 when I got my Maverick. Now I'm 38 and I still have it...
First off, to the board! I don't think any of us here got into Mavericks because they were popular. Look up the definition of Maverick. To own a Maverick is to be a Maverick in the car hobby. Most of us here like them because they are diffrent, you don't see them everyday or at every car show. They are also excellent cars to modify as you see fit. As T.L. said, these cars have unfortunately been the but of many jokes. This is becomeing less and less true now as people open their eyes and see what these cars really can be. If you really like these cars, then by all means get one and fix it up how you want it. But when it's done, and those same folks that were laughing before want a ride in it, say SORRY! And just wait till someone comes up to you at a gas station or parking lot wanting to talk to you about your car, or rolls their window down at a stop light to make a positive comment. Then you'll be hooked. These are great cars.
Another point to be made about the maverick's reputation as an "ugly car" is because it was fairly inexpensive when it was built, and they never broke down. So most people just bought them and drove the hell out of them, thus leading to the "ugly" mavericks that are seen these days. And don't forget, the maverick was the racing car of choice in south america. It has a long history and great reputation. Look into it. Does everyone remember the Emerson Fitipaldi Maverick "Music Video" as it has come to be known? Now that's a piece of history!!! Ha,ha!!
welcome aboard. i say get the maverick. show you mom some of the pictures in the gallery. there are some very nice mavericks.
Go on and get it they are like building a very inexpensive stock race drag cruiser or any other type transportation you can think of they really are very good cars and you can do any thing with them
We do not like the Mav/Comet because everyone else likes them. If that was the case we would all be driving Camaros (Yuck!!!! now I have a bad taste in my mouth). Think of it this way, for every person that has something bad to say about a Maverick there are a thousand that wish they still had the one they sold/wrecked/whatever. Get the car and mod it till you like it. In the end you will have a friend for life. After all you are the one driving it. I have owned a Maverick in one form or the other sence I bought my first one (1977, 302 V8, Auto, A/C, PS, PB, 23,000 miles) in 1983. After the first one it is like eating Lays potato chips (you just cant have one). Kinda like the Field of dreams thing (Build it and they will come) you will not believe how many people will come up to you and tell you stories of the Mav/Comet they used to own. You will hear some very cool stories of what has been done in thier cars in the past. And it never fails the thing that is always said about the cars is "Boy I sure wish I had that car now". So go for the gusto and get the car. A little TLC, some paint, some personal mods, a little stance adjustment, and before long people will be asking you what kind of car it is. (because most people do not know for shure) One thing that you can tell your mom to put it in perspective is that at least it isnt a Pacer (Now that is an UGLY UGLY car). Good luck on getting the car and welcom to the board. Don
I think the bad rap is because of the timing of the car and Fords direction they went. If Ford would have put a Boss 302 or maybe a 351 and made a real performance version it would be in line with all the muscle cars. But unfortunaty they didn't so most of us have to take crap when we say we have a Maverick. Nobody gives us crap once they see the car in person and in fact they praise us and it opens their mind to these cars. The potential for these car is huge mostly because the rich car fags don't like them. ( My 66 Mustang has blah blah blah in it and I paid poodaddy to paint my car and peedilly to build the engine and snoopdiggy to do the interior)
Fast Track 38, The maverick is not the most popular car in the world (Although I do not know why). They were advertised as the Simple Machine in the begining and I think the idea of simple made people think cheap or becuase it is simple it is not state of the art therefore not a desired car. To bad for those people. The Maverick was a great looking car right off the show room floor, can be modified to whatever level of custom you wish. The mechanical side of the car is pretty basic and is a great way to learn about working on mechanical things. I am sure if you buy it you will LOVE iT!! Thanks jerryfow2
Too funny! Listen to Hack, he has some awesome Mav's! Once he gets the one finished he's working on now, and it gets into Popular Hot Rodding then everyones gonna be looking for a Maverick. SO get on board before the rich car fags do, and have a good time with a Mav. Once the RCF group gets involved its all down hill from there.
Thanks for the help everyone.... Still working on talking the parents into letting me buy one. Looking a the 1970 Maverick currently. Well, well, well... Who do we have here? I see you leave Bob's then come here? LOL - Just messing. Take a guess.
I have total strangers approach me all the time when I have the Maverick out and want to buy it, and it's not even totally restored yet. Makes you feel good.
today I was sipping on coffee at mcdonals and two guys in blue pepsi uniforms started joking about a 74 4 dr malibu that went bye !! I told then that they are ugly but safe and so... and one of then said " now that green metalic maverick over thier is the one I would like to own !! I said ; cool thats my car !! every time I cruise with the mav I get compliments !! hey the girls love them also !! last night at the local gas station where we gather and park, two young ladies walked up to the us, and asked " who ownes this maverick ? it's my car I replied !! they said " thats a cool ride " all my friends stood in silence with thier X-brands that did not recieve any props !!