go figure...i buy 6208s and go thought hell to install them...and who knew , crites works i want to cry , and they are about the same price as i paid for my 6208s i almost bought thoose damn things...oh well its GREAT news!thanks for going out on the limb:Handshake
I am very interested in if these headers fit the 351W with my shock tower mods, without further modification. Bring on the pictures!
I got two "notifications" in my e-mail about pics...but there are no pics? Were they deleted? I would really like to have a peek...perhaps you could e-mail them to me. Any pics would be super...
That was me. I was trying to upload some pictures but without success. After I click manage attachments and then click browser it says the pictures are to big to upload and I don't know how to compress them. Compression size shuld be 200 or 250 but mine are 850. I also have the pictures in the "My Documents" folder and I do not know how to move them to the "My Pictures" folder. I'm really clueless when it comes to these computers but I'm trying to learn to no avail. I have a kodak easy share camera and downloaded the pictures but deleted them on the chip. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? james comet
Okay lets see if I can get you to under stand this...I'm better at telling. Open the picture you will like to upload or just double click the picture. At the buttom of the pic is "file name" & "save as type". click on the drop bar for "save as type" & it gives you JPEG, BMP, GIFF, TIFF, PNG. I normally use JPEG or GIFF but if you re-save it under another type it will resize the picture for you. Hope this helps. Aslo is this a long tube header?
They are full length headers. Sorry, but your advice did not help. When I open the picture there is nothing at the bottom about "file name or save as type." Through the kodak easy share system I can burn them on a cd, print them or even email them. Btw, if I could email them could you then upload them this site? james comet
You probably have the pics in bitmap form. If you convert them to JPEG, 800 will drop to about 200. Go to the file, but don't click on it. When you mouse sits on the file for a second, it usually tells you about it. If it says "Bitmap Image", you need to open it and right click, then save as JPEG. Dave
If you are on a windows xp pc... From the Start button go to "All Programs" / "Accessories" / "Paint". Then try dragging the file into the Paint program. If it loads, then using the menu "Image" / "Streth Skew" you can reduce the picture size by whatever percentage is appropriate. Then just do a "File" / "Save As" to save the modified picture.
Gotta make sure it is not a bitmap first... If you resize a bitmap from 800 to 200 and keep it a bitmap, it will be the size of a stamp. Whereas if you just go from bitmap to jpeg, it will be the same size. After it is a jpeg, if it is still a bit too large, then try to stretch/skew it down to 90/90 and that would cover it.