I will take orders when I get them done. No secret as to who is in them, if you sent a pic and are curious to see if you made it....just ask
can I publicly state I dont know who this john ford person is,...nor do I associate with him in any way shape or form.
Oh, you and Eddie are just mad because you knew I was talking about you when I stated: (Honey...I really don't think you're visualizing it very well yourself. I'm afraid that would rate right up there with Americas Funniest Videos. Of course, I'm talking about all the other guys. My picture would be great. ) that!!!
John!!!! It is not black and gold!!! It is black and white zebra stripes. Black and gold would be pretty cool though!!! I'll put that on my Christmas list.:evilsmile
Alright, I'll take September, Ray has been designated for December and the rest of you guys in your pink and zebra striped thongs can fight over the remaining months Only rule is that you have to be touching your car in some form :bananaman Seriously though, I do want to buy one of the calendars that are in the works as we speak. Looking forward to more info, and will pay up when it's time.......thanks!