here´s some pics of my-71 When i bought it it had a 472cui cadillac engine! And a chevy 12-bolt axle. And a mustang II front suspension.? Now i´m swapping the 472cui to a csb350. Wish i could get a hold of a 351ford but the are too expensive!
Nice car. Can't say I really like the Chevy drivetrain, but you got an excuse since your in Sweden! Guess you gotta use whatever you can find over there. My grandpa has one of those engines in a '73 Coupe Deville, and man that big old boat of a car would set those rear tires on fire.
Yeah It had an awesome power that engine! I was able to drive 0-60mph in 5 seconds!! It would probably go faster with a pair of (Drag?) wheels. I don´t know if you call them that. in sweden we say "Slicks"
We call them slicks here too. Cool garage, cool Comet. Why didn't you keep the Cadillac engine? Better than a Cheby!
How much costs a 351cl or windsor engine in the states? Here in sweden i would pay about 1400-1600$ for it (which needs new pistons,cam bearings, etc) and a chevy is about 500-900$ a lot cheaper. but sooner or later i will have a 351 ford engine in it! Dont worry.
I do too, but I can absolutely understand the Chevy drivetrain in this case. It's just a motor, and it's just as easy to put a Ford engine back in. Not like the car was scarred for life. John, a 351W in good useable shape could go anywhere from $300 and up. It really depends on what part of the United States you live in and the person selling the engine. I can get one in need of a rebuild from a local junkyard for around $139. We call the tires "slicks" here also.
can't you buy a Ford Crate motor here in the states ready to bolt in? I understand the Chevy swap for cost reasons. I did the same thing into my '48 MOPAR. It also fit easier.
Wow, I think Johnny Cash built that one! One part at a time. Sorry on Fords being so expensive. I've picked up several clevelands under $200. Good Luck, whats the Mustang have in it?