As you all know I was thinking about selling my mav and I posted it on craigs list about 1 week ago. Members here told me my car was not worth 1000 so I put it on craigslist first to see if there would be any takers before I lower the price of the car, and when I get to the 800 range I will post it here for sale. Someone already gave me a call to come see it on the weekend. My reasons for selling are that I need a car that runs and drives and I dont have money for the mav. I know people can take better care of it than I can because I do not have the money for it and I dont even have a garage, so its always exposed to the weather. Hopefully it will end up in the right hands. I want you all to know that all of you have been really helpful and I appreciate all the help I have received from this board. There are too many people to thank individually so I will give my thanks to the whole board. This is a great place and I cannot express in words how great it is. It is a great community where EVERYONE gets help! I have learned a great deal from being a member of this board. Even though the maverick might be gone, I hope I can still be a member of the board. I will buy another mav or comet once I have a job and the money for it because it is the best car out there!!! Basically this is kind of a farewell, but my question is this: can I still be a member of the board!?!??! Or I cant be a member of the board until I have another mav, comet? Either way I hope I can keep in contact with people from the board and, thanks everyone and good luck with your mavs/comets!!!!!
to be a member of the board, all you need is an interest in the mav or comet. we welcome you to stay around and stay interested in these great cars.
Sorry you have to sell your car! Feel free to stick around, no rule that you have to own a Maverick or Comet just appeciate them.
All you need is interest. Even ShadowMaster has no Mav or Comet. He just has a long-term love for the car. I understand where you are. I had a kicka$$ 280zx that I always wanted to soup up and restore, but just had no house, still in college, the wife was in college, all that jazz. Had to trade it in for a "real" car. Will always regret it, but at least when the time was right, I was able to get this maverick and I think I am having more fun with it than I would have with the Z. So you never know what the future holds... You are still welcome on the board, and come visit sometime if you are near Angleton Hope you can get yourself some decent transportation with your sale. My first decent car was a Nissan Sentra. 4-door, 30 mpg. about 35 HP (j/k). But I got 180,000 miles out of it with no problems, until I got a decent job and could afford a nicer car.
Dude, the big cheese here himself sold his Maverick. Stick around! Did you ever get the info off the door tag? Or is the car already gone?
If you sell your house, doesn't mean you have to have no further contact with your old neighbors. They became your friends as well as your neighbors. Just because you are selling your MAV doesn't mean you no longer have friends here. Stick around, see if anyone snubs you.......Bet they don't. As you know a great bunch of people on here.