I was just scanning thru e-bay looking at some of those cars that are out of reach(for me anyway)and it got me thinking,Why do I like Mav/Coms?Some reasons are out of neccesity,some are not.Here's why I just can't quit messing with these darn things; 1-I really like the fact that they're all pretty much the same for the entire run(70-77).Most old Galaxies(which I like too)are 1 year only as far as body parts are concerned-making those parts a bit more pricey. 2-Simple to work on.Aggravating as he!! with a v8,but still simple. 3-Parts interchangability-Need a suspension part?Can't find a Mav/Com at the local boneyard?Then get one from a Mustang,or Granada,or Falcon,or Fairlane,or.... 4-CHEAP!Well,at least compared to a Falcon Sprint,GT Fairlane or any Mustang.I gotta admit I think the stockers are kinda dorky looking(wide 1/4s and 14x5s w/e78s will do that)but a Mav/Com with the right wheels & stance look just as tough as anything that's twice,or even thrice the price. 5-versatality-You want 25 mpg,daily driver?ok.You want an affordable bracket car?ok.You want 11's on stock suspension w/a small block?Small enough to be economical,big enough to hold a v8,they're a nice alternative to early Mustangs. 6-Shock value.I love it when a Mav/Com hands a "real" musclecar it's a$$ at the track.I'm kinda glad most people think of them as old '70s subcompacts and put them in the same catagory as Pacers,Monzas,Gremlins and such.Makes the look on their face that much more satisfying when that old Maverick just stomped an SS Chevelle. 7-People.Have you ever talked to,oh say hardcore AMC guys?Or Mopar folks?Sure we're all car people,but certain types of cars sure attract some weirdos.I'm pretty sure that most Mav/Com folk will not say that given more dvelopment the 200 six would have been the best motor on the planet.And I'm pretty sure not many of us care if the muffler hangar bolts aren't date coded to the car.I'd like to think that we (as a niche car group)are pretty laid back. 8-parts interchangability,part 2-Since so many of the hard parts interchange between Mav/Coms and other classic Fords,it allows me to buy 'em up pretty cheap,store body/interior parts for me and sell the rears,spindles,etc to Mustang/Fairlane people.Gave them a good deal and got my stuff for next to nothing. 9-I can't think of 2 more to make it my "top ten" soo...... How about you?Why do you drive/build/race/deal with Mavericks & Comets?
I like it because: It has a nice body shape, is not big (but not too small either), accepts a V-8, is Classic American, many parts are interchangable with Mustang and Falcon, It's not a Camaro, Chevelle, or Mustang (nothing against those cars, but they are everywhere).
Funny thing,i get so much attention with the Comet.Mostly it's wow i haven't seen one of those in a long time,or i had or knew someone who had one of those.I have a 64 Mercury pick up,tubbed,prowler orange pearl paint,a rediculious sounding 460 and i swear the stupid little Comet gets more attention.I can't say i don't appreciate it though.
Adaptibility,versatility, and the option to do just about anything you can with your talents. the fact that you can take a 2800# car and make it go fast on a budget makes good sense. the styling is also good since it looks like a fast back (2dr) and most uneducated people don't know that, the 4dr's...well they have their on look. jmo
It's different. People like different. Chevelles, Mustangs, Mopars, everybody has seen them so many times that they have become same old thing. Throw in a nice looking Maverick or Comet and it catches a persons eye. It's a car that many have regarded as a simple grocery getter Grandma car and once the 1970's ended they were pretty much forgotten. No wonder so many people are struck with the "I remember those!" or "So and so use to have one of those!" or even the "I used to have one of those!" memories when they see one today. For someone who is thinking about building a 70's car, but does not or can not afford to fall into the Mustang/Chevelle money pit, those memories of the Mavericks and Comets can be very inspiring. Relatively inexpensive, clean lines, easy to work on, all kinds of modification possibilities, and of coarse, different!
10. I love the fact that old men and some women stop and look at my car in the grocery store parking lot. And when i walk up to it, they look at me and smile and their facial expressions say it all.
I love mavericks because there not some dime a dozen car you see everywhere. For some reason I have always been drawn to cars like this, I have had two H**** Crx Si‘s and a del sol Si along with my three mavs. This however can be a problem in itself, having a car like this is a joy but there always seems to be a time when you need a part that you just cant find and when you do nobody wants to get rid of it. (Grabber hood) All in all its just a great feeling being able to drive a car around and know that it’s the only one in your town.
I guess were trying to be like our cars......MAVERICKS mav·er·ick mav·er·ick [mávvərik, mávvrik] (plural mav·er·icks) n 1. independent person: somebody who holds independent views and who refuses to conform to the accepted or orthodox thinking on a subject 2. agriculture unbranded animal: an unbranded animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother and herd. By convention, it can become the property of whoever finds it and brands it. I dont really like the second defination though.
All of the above... and I guess it helps that I was almost born in (lol) and brought home from the hospital as a new born in a '71 Comet GT, and grew up around Comets. Now that I'm makeing some decent money, I will be unloading a few parts cars I have and I will be on the hunt for a decent '71 or '72 2 door Comet.
I think the fact that so many people had these cars 30 years ago that everyone remembers them and probably some personal memory involving them, unlike most of the highly sought after super cars of the period. also at the same time we hardly ever see any left on the road since so many of these "econo cars" fell victum to the junk yard. In the 1980's did anyone think that anyone would ever want that "ol' maverick in the back yard"? There kinda like the mondern day escort, 30 years from now we'll all remember them but how many will still be around compared to mustangs, camaros, vetts and all the other "cool cars"? First week I had mine i took it to the local car cruise and was between a '70 GTO and a '32 ford. I can tell you that my primered up maverick with riped seats and a straight six stole the spot light from those two.
I love my Maverick because it is a small,quick, reliable,dependable,easy to work on,not expensive to operate or maintain car. Oh....it can run with the big dogs too!