greetings, i'm new around here... i just got my '72 maverick a week ago. it's in adequate shape, a beautiful turquois, and she still runs well but has some rust holes. I plan on fixing it up as much as I can afford over the next few years. This will be the first car i've ever worked on so be nice when I ask silly questions. i have no clue what i'm doing...
the folks on here are almost always supportive, and extremely helpfull. theres a fountain of knowledge surrounding you as you navigate the site. so go ahead and fire away,just be prepared to read alot. good luck and welcome aboard
WELCOME I too have a 1972 maverickwith some rust holes and a few dings and as i have said I'm only 16 and this is a first for me as well so have fun ps. the only silly question is a question not asked