The fugly one sitting next to Wayne in most of the pictures. Breakfast_files/DSC02240.jpg I'm the only one looking at the camera in this pic. Tylar is in the black jacket. Breakfast_files/DSC02248.jpg Breakfast_files/DSC02252.jpg And there is visual proof that the '69.5 made it down there in all it's glory... rigged ignition, 6 inch shackels and all!
By popular demand,.... this is what happens when you are late and don't bring your gift. Marti's friend Effie
Here is a couple more shots. "And the rest of the Mavericks wouldn't let Tylar play in the Maverick games"
it was a good time and you can't beat Ga. weather in December...about 70*! next year all are welcome from everywhere!!!
Looks like you folks had a great time. Sorry I missed it PS: Will someone tell FRANK to PM me his mailing address :evilsmile
yeah Mike....I wanted to come. That weekend was my youngest sons birthday (we had his party on Sunday) so I was "still" coming to GA. on Saturday, but then we found out that both boys belt tested on Saturday so I wanted to be there for that. So it was a busy weekend. I will catch you guys this summer........
What happened to Maverick prorities? One person couldn't come because he was graduating college that morning, one was getting married out-of-town that day, one had to watch his daughter graduate nursing school that Saturday, and one nincompoop had to watch his sons do karate testing. Don't these folks realize how many people it takes to make Frank behave in public?