Ok i have looked and searched all over and people have said many different thing. I have a 1976 maverick and I need a set of headers the will fit with very little or no alterations. I am putting in a 302 stroked to a 347. It has an automatic with column shift and power steering. Has anyone put headers in that type of car? And I don’t need pollution control stuff. Thanks for any help you can give
The column shift is the problem. You can get the PS drop bracket easy and cheap. The headers are not supposed to fit any sort of column shift... However, someone here has heated and rebent the rods to clear the headers. So it can be done, just have to work at it, assuming you don't want to go with a floor shifter. 6901 Hookers seem to be the best fit. Good luck! Dave
6901 Hookers have always fit and worked for me, You do need the drop bracket, and some small hands to start the bolts.
It helps to use the header bolts with the 3/8" hex heads. Also, use the header gaskets with the 2 end bolt holes open on the bottom. That way you can get the header up to the head, start the 2 end bolts, just a couple threads, then drop the gasket in between the flange and head. Now just go back and start the other 6 bolts a couple threads just like the first 2. Gradually and evenly tighten all 8 in increments. That is the best way to put LT headers up to an SBF. The shortys are cool if you just want some headers rather than iron manifolds, and/or have ground clearance issues... However the LTs will always make better power on a street car. Dave
Dynomax Blackjacks fit perfectly in my car but they only have 1 1/2" tubes. and they don't work without modifying the column shift linkages. Its pretty easy modification though, just take the two long linkage rods, bend and align them with the column and the shifter on the transmission and weld them together, and throw the rest of the linkage stuff away.
Hooker Super Comps work with the column shifter and the C4, not so nice with the AOD. Hooker 6901 seems to be a better fit for the car, but looks like the column shifter has to go. I've discussed swapping my Supers for my cousin's 6901s as it looks like my header will fit him better and the 6901 may work better with mine, even with my modified column shifter/cable setup. As we finally have shorties designed for our cars, I'm leaning towards that if I ever get this beast back on the road.
Shorty headers are fine, if that is what you want. But if you already have a custom stainless exhaust with 4 0/2 sensors in place, cutouts where you need them. All been setup for long tube headers, well you get the picture. P.S. don't forget the small amount of torque shorties cost you.
I just know that the 6901s wouldn't let me make a left hand turn worth a damn, and I can't find anything wrong with my car, so I was not the least bit impressed with hookers