no problem with my 6901's. i am going to hook up a cable from your column to the trans.i just want it for the back up lights. i changed over to floor shifter.
Where did that come from? does is say that he already has the exhaust? If you have yours already, than you'd know the new headers won't work with your exhaust. I also have a 2 1/2" exhaust system on my other Maverick that was built for the Headmans Headers that I used, I didn't expect it to work with these new headers. What ever happened to dimpling the exhaust to get a little more backpressure, which will give you a little more bottom end torque? I would think any good exhaust shop could build an exhaust that would work. What is the torque difference between long tube any shorties anyways? I doubt it's very much.
What is the problem with left turns. I just got a 74 that i was planning to put these headers on with a floor shifter and no p/s.
Keep in mind there is some adjustment allowed on the tie rods, if it is adjusted a bit to the passenger side, the pitman will hit the header. Mine is within 1/16 inch of my header on a hard turn.
It has to do with using the drop bracket on the power steering. On some cars it affects the travel of the cylinder on left turns, dropping the cylinder enough to clear the headers reduces the amount it pushes the center link, reducing the turn radius. On some cars it is hardley noticeable, others it has a more pronouced effect. If you change out to a manual center link you won't have this problem, but won't have the easier power steering. It's a matter of trial and error anytime you install aftermarket parts, you may have to tweak or change things to get them to work to suit you. Very few things are actualy a true bolt on, but that's hotrodding!
10-4, That's great to hear. I don't have pwr steering so this will not be an issue for me. I have driven a 74 4door with pwr steering, and it didn't seem to steer any easier than our 71 manual. Is there much gain with pwr steering on most Mavs, or was i just driving a bad one, or is our 71 just easier to steer than most?
a cut off wheel, grinder and a welder(plus some common sense ) is all ya need to make anything fit anywhere...period! merry x-mas