Earlier this year, a guy approached me about a '71 Grabber that he supposedly had in storage. He wanted $2500 and I agreed to come look at it. http://www.trickel.info/maverick/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=919 The gallery shows the extent of the damage. I'm going to call him tomorrow to see if he still has the car. I'd really like the hood, seats, and spoiler. Just thought I'd bring it up again and see what folks think the car is worth.
Well....since you asked. I would say that is ONLY a parts car. Worth maybe $500. If you really want the parts....maybe a little more.
Wow, I think that is the most rusty Maverick I've ever seen. Too bad, looks like it was a cool car. I'd have a hard time giving more then $800 for that car due to the rust. Does have alot of good parts though.
What's up O'fallon IL! 1988 graduate of O'fallon High, why the hell did I ever leave???????????????????