My Stealth worked awefully well,Of course my motor was a near stock(B303 cam,ported E7 heads)302 roller.
Going back and reading your first post I would suggest either the Stealth or the Performer RPM for that combination if you insist on a dual plane intake. Although the Torker would work well too. I've used both and they work well. The Stealth is tough to miss with. Seems to like all sorts of combinations. Performer RPM seems to like the Performer RPM camshaft or something similar with under 10:1 compression. Above 10:1 it fails to impress me. Torker you've already heard plenty about. The Weiand X-style intake seems to need porting before it shows it's stuff. Although, properly ported it's a badass. If you've got a serious engine then the Victor Jr. is usually suggested. It works on just about everything from 289 to 347. If you've got a SERIOUS big inch small block (ie: great heads, 331 or bigger, serious camshaft, etc) then the Parker Funnel Web intake is the king of the hill.
thanks for the advise. This will NOT be a serious engine. or at least i don't plan for it to be. The plan is for a serious wheel spinner.
I must have had a freak intake or something. I can't believe how many folks say they got no bottom end from the T289. I had one I had used on a few different engines, all in Mavericks, and throttle response was great and the tires could be boiled down at will... even from idle.
I'm with you on this one. I've never had one that was a wimp. I love that intake. Just scored one an hour ago on Ebay for $61. Let's see......set of 289 heads for $1.25; titanium valves for $14.99 (two sets); Torker 289 intake for $61......looks like another low-buck "just to prove a point" engine coming together. :evilsmile
I dunno I've ran a t289 on a dead stock motor and never had a problem with it keep the carb small and clean running used a electronic ignition and run manifold vacuum on the vacuum advance and it would run perfectly all day long it was a little soggy at times but it ran fine when I did the motor originally with the ported 302s and 2500 stall and 270 isky hl etc it was a near perfect match for the combo now with this rpm top end package I would sure like to give the old warhorse another try
The only thing I can think of is that I always ran either a 700 or 750 DP Holley on this intake. I cannot think of a time, ever, that I ran a small carb or a vacuum carb on the T289. Maybe they like DPs? They have small runners and a very small plenum as single plane carbs go, maybe the DP carb is needed. I take great pride in how I build my carbs and put alot of time in how I tune them, especially the accelerator pump circuits. Maybe that is the key to great throttle response from a single plane. I am not suggesting that others didn't know what they were doing with their carbs, but maybe they didn't have a carb suited to the intake. Just brainstorming here. It bothers me that I seem to be one of only a few that could get that intake to scream. It seems so simple and effective. Maybe I just stumbled onto a good combo. It performed like this no matter what cam or tranny. The only time I had terrible bottom end with it was when I had a large hydraulic cam and hadn't gotten decent gears yet. I ran for a while with a 4 speed and stock 3.00 gears with the big cam. When I did that, I had to dump the clutch and spin tire, otherwise the engine bogged. I think that cam and 3.00 gears would have done this with any intake though. It was just too big a mismatch. Dave
had a 600 vacuum and a 600dp never tried the 750 on the new motor yet (due to not having been able to use the intake yet because of the busted bolt and drilled intake mounts. I have a few choices for the future need to fix the bloody freeze plug first
Ok so i don't listen all that well. I ordered the Summit stealth knock off. But all this t289 fuss has me curious. Seeing as it is all bead blasted and all and looking pretty i am going to install the t289 and see how it works out. I will keep you posted on the results.