I have a 73 maverick 4 dr I have recently put a late model 302h.o into. I had purchased an afermarket flexplate with the 50 oz. weight to fit my c4 but when i turn the engine over the weight seems to hit some where on the starter motor. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem thanks
pull the starter and see if there is a mark or scrape area on it,then look at the3 flywheel and see where its hitting.....
MaverickDan, did you have to specify if your engine had a 1piece or 2 piece rear main seal when you purchased your flex plate? I have a 86 model 302 i will be putting in my 74 with c4 and 157t bellhousing. When i was looking to purchase a flywheel i found several but only one specifying for use with a 1piece rear main seal. no one seems to know what the difference is between the two, but if is is only a matter of adding a spacer to my starter, then i would rather cut up a old rear engine plate vs spending an extra $50 on additional cost of the "special one piece" rear main seal flexplate. Sorry i don't have any answers for you.
starter Problem is you have a new style flexplate with and old sytle Trans and starter. If there's enough meat on the starter, just grind it off to clear the weight. Don't mess with the weight or the engie will be off.
will a 90's model starter fit a c4 because i was thinking of trying that because i have ground a lot of the old strater