I know i am probably beating this topic in the ground but has anyone ever back halfed (installed a full frame 4 link in the mav). If so do you have any pics. I am looking at the CA Chassis works Elliminator II. and a fab 9 housing. Let me know what you think.
I'm leaning toward that route myself. Eliminator I Ladder bar (better for my application than 4 link). Haven't decided between round tube of 2x3 though...most likely go with 2x3 for ease of welding, etc. Still in the planning/wishing stage...but until I find something better, that's probably what I'll order. A friend is building an Eliminator II chassis for an '83 Mustang hatchback, and has already gotten his chassis assembled and getting ready for paint. He says it's pretty easy to assemble and assemble correctly. You have to be careful, though...just like any chassis builder, they don't make maverick/comet-specific frames, they usually are vega or camaro chassis that have to be modified slightly to work in our cars. His was a early camaro chassis kit, but the only real modifications were the halo bar was too long and the main hoop was not formed right...but was easily solved by the HS football players stretching and bending some tubing. From what he has told me, Chris is really easy to deal with and best of all, he knows his stuff when it comes to chassis!
I would have to say that is one of the best looking mavericks I have ever seen! Where did the black bumpers come from? Are they painted or 'glass? I've seen the small bumpers painted, both 'glass and steel, but never a large bumper. How about the grille? I love that!
No problem , i like to have all the suggestions anyone wants to throw at me. I hate starting a project with those unknown varianbles that bite you in the bum!!!!!
Hi Jim! So that's the system that replaced the leaf springs you sent me a couple of years ago? Neat! Looks great!
Blown76Mav I Like the way you did your bumpers. Do you have a website with pictures of your bumpers and hinges or could you email me some? I would like to try to copy what you did with your bumpers if you wouldnt mind. Thanks Chad rx7351w@chartertn.net
hi jim, i see your from Jeannette PA, my brother just moved out there recently, im from the monroville PA area. is you mav still under construction?
Yes, that's it. Still under construction. you'll have to stop by. bring your Mav, cause I definitely need some inspiration
don't think mine would be much inspiration, but i love driving it around, you get out to norwin square on saterday nights? i have had it there a few times this year, might go tonight if i can get my door fixed again.. looks like yours is going to be pretty radical..