DO WHAT are you having a problem lining it up? just keep spining it till you find where all bolt holes line up 6 bolts on the crank
If you have the correct flexplate and converter, you shouldn't have to drill any holes. Crankshaft holes only line up one way. The converter should have a 10 1/2" bolt circle for a 157t flexplate.
I knew i could count on you to answer even if no one else did. I purchased a Hays flexplate from jegs and i have played Wheel of Fortune on it and all of the holes will not align up. The closest i can get is 5 to align perfectly and the weight to be in the same area as the stock flex plate, but the last hole is about 1\16" off. Can't say i am impressed with the quality of this flex plate either. all of the mount holes appear to have been deburred with a grinder.
not sure what the hell that means but alright nope cant help you , told you in first post it will line up , unless your flexplate is drilled wrong
didn't mean to upset you by what i said. I read the board alot and see you post to almost everyting. When i was typing the post i was thinking if no one else gives me some advice eddie1975 will. Thats all.
oops sorry , i couldnt figure out what i did to you i try to help , i surely dont know it all , sometimes i just wing it:evilsmile yeah like allen said send that some beach back
and the famous saying goes........."There i was" flex plate in one hand Drill in the other. It all seemed so clear to me then. "fix" this hole install this flexplate crank the engine.
flexiable Send it back, if you drill it to be able to mount it, you'll change the engines balance. That's why it's offset drilled.
Yea, that is what i did. I did that before i decided to drill the hole. I have put on a fexplate or two and know they do align only one way when correct. This one was just not made correctly. Sorry spork1o1 not putting it on backwards even though the Jegs tech rep has been trying to convince me of that. By the way is there even enough space to install it backwards and attach the converter?