i got to sell my comet, i got to pay my wifes medical college . i told her after shes done with medical school , she owes me another one. she agreed. but the bill is huge. if anyone wants to look at it before i advertise , email me , ill send you pics, and make me an offer, superman33312@yahoo.com j
well just think about how much more cash will be comming in when she gets a medical job afterwards. you'll get another one dont worry. i'd check it out but your a little out of my way. good luck
Hope she loves you dude .... To many horror stories about the smuck husband puttings his wife through medical school and then she leaves him for the doctor she was interning with as soon as she graduates....
oh man I know she does, been through alot together. but just in case, need to make a contract for that comet lol
Add me to the list on this one, 'cept it was an EX friend / coworker. Put the biatch through nursing school and then she runs off and leaves me and my Son high and dry. My vote is keep the car and come up with the money some other way. In the eternal words of Great White: "My, my, my.......... Once bitten twice shy, baby!"