I have named every car I have owned, But I can't find the right name for mine yet. I've got it. it just came to me. My Maverick's name will be............. RUSTY Just look at my photos in sig. and you will see why.
call it "girlfriend". that way when your wife ask, where were you. you can say you was with the girlfriend.
Darn this thread got long quick. My wife is a car girl but she really does not get into the older stuff.She does give me a hard time about the car ,but she knows what it is .As in how clean it is and stuff.As far as the name I still don't know,there were some good ones thrown around.I guess one will hit me.I would say Money pit ,but my Lightning already holds that honor.
Car name or licence plate ideas? JLUS WIF Then you get the custom sticker in the back window that says: "My wife said either the car goes or she goes.......... I'll miss her!"
You know, when people sell their boat it is considered bad luck for the new owner to change its name. Just saying, in case you are so inclined to believe such non-sense. Personally I don't, but just had to add to the "hot thread" some how. Especially since someone put up the possibility that you might need it to fit on a license plate. I have been toying with vanity plates as of late. rk