that's the number my book says to use in a 85 302. the only other plug i see in that style is a 24 that is one heat range colder. sorry i don't know anything about edelbrock carbs to tell you what to do to lean it out. you might want to try to give them a call and ask them for some solutions to try. good luck. sorry i couldn't help you more.
its ok i appre4ciate any help and info .. im almost positive it isnt he carb its been fine for 2 years till the darn power wire to the choke stopped working thiswhen it all began we fond the choke not working and fixed it expecting the problem to clear up but it didint
we have it pulling of the starter solenoid on the fender .. it appears to be working fine is almost closed when cold when hot its fully open and on start up giving it throttle the butterfly opens up
this all started before new parts its started when power to choke quit i notced it starting to run rough and rich as all heck thats when we discovered power to choke quit working now that its working again one would think that the problem would clear up but in actually its getting worse you cant stand anywhere near the car when its running burns ya eyes out
i jsut tried the water trick ton of smoke and carbon came out thats for sure ........ did it till my eyes couldnt take it anymore .. im begining to think its time for a rebuild
I would check the bottom butterflys on the secondaries, see if they are closed all the way, if not the motor will draw excesive fule when it does not need it. also check for free movement of all shafts and linkage.
Ha! Everybody should try it at least once in their lifetime! 'Sorry to hear about the rebuild but you'll probably be glad you did. This could be a blessing in disguise for ya. Good luck.
what metering rods are ya running in the Edlebrock 600? I'm running the same carb, but with the opposite problem, I'm trying to richen it up. I have downloaded the manual from here, might help ya out
not sure this carb was brand new in the box its worked fantastic up till now when the choke quit after fixing choke assumed problem would go away 4 weeks and 2 sets of plugs later its still there
If you are pulling power from the small terminal on the solenoid (the right one I believe) that also goes directly to the coil. Could be pulling enough voltage to cause a weak spark.