Hello, I know this has been discussed b4, but I got a wrecked 95 trans am with a LT1 and speed trans today. I am going to install it in my 70 maverick should be a very cool fun ride.
I'd get a modular instead, but that doesn't mean the LT1 is cool. Go for it, spank some ricers for us. Good luck!
I am sure you have thought about all the fabrication that will be needed to get the Chebby in there... However, have you planned on fabbing up a custom floor pan? The T56 won't fit into a 71-77 Maverick trans tunnel. The 70 tunnel is even smaller.
i guess if your goin to do a chevy id do a LS2 or LS1 but i would just go with a 302 based engine JMO
I was going to put that setup in a 68 Firebird I had. Till I read all the problems with the opti-spark crap and how expensive all that is to replace. So I sold it.
I have consider the fabrication involved, that’s not a problem to me I like the customizing and having something unique. I have installed one 95 lt1 in a 69 z28 about 3 months ago using the original wiring from the 95 z28 toke me about a month and a half to get the wiring sorted out with out using the painless wiring kit.. Jim
Yeah, I forgot about the Optispark... It is junk. This is from experience too. I have had 3 late model F-bodies. My LS1 was awesome (for a Chebby). If I was going to go through all that trouble, I would do an LS engine before the LT. The LS is all aluminum and is good for major power over the LT right out of 'the box'. I have seen an LT Maverick before. It was online, I wish I could remember where... I have also seen a T56 in a 68 Mustang, and the floor pan had to be raised something like 2-3 inches to get the tranny in that.
I bought the 95 TA to install the LT1 in the maverick. A matter of fact I will have my 5.0 for sale, I will Be parting it out.
When you make an announcement like this, you know that you better follow through, right? If you don't, it's gonna be a big plate of crow for you! Personally, if I was gonna go through the trouble of installing an M2 suspension, I would use a big block. 460, 428, or even 454... To go through all that for an LT1 seems counterproductive.