The yellow Maverick has has an aftermarket half vinyl roof (in very good condition). Someday I want to remove it all together, but in the short run, I just want to make it look better so I can enjoy the car in it's current condition. The vinyl roof is a medium brown color, and I want to paint/dye it black. What product/process would you recommend for the best results? Thanks! Art
Chrome trim clip... Also, I need to find a new chrome clip that covers the gap in-between the two pieces of chrome molding (right in the middle of the roof). Anybody know where I can get something like that? It's an aftermarket vinyl top, so I'm not looking for anything "Ford Specific", just the clip that is around 2" long (in a "C" shape) that clips over the two pieces of molding. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Art
Your best bet is to purchase SEM vinyl dye. SEM products are designed for re-dying vinyl and plastic parts.If you have access to an air compressor, it would be much easier to buy a pint of the dye and spray it on through a cup gun. If you don't have an air compressor, then you need to 4 or 5 cans of of the SEM dye in rattle cans. You would also need to get a few cans of Plastic and Vinyl Prep and some Adhesion Promoter too. ( also made by SEM ) These products clean and soften the old vinyl so the new dye will take to it. Black is a good pick because black will cover the old brown color very well. It's always better to go darker than it is to go lighter.
Jean, I have original black plastic panels that are a little faded and have some scuff scratches in them. I guess if I went over the original black with this black dye I could come up with fresh looking panels? Also are SEM products available over the counter somewhere or on line or is this a special trip to an auto paint supplier?
SEM products are sold at most Car Quest stores. I'm sure other automotive parts store would carry them too. If in doubt, I usually call first and inquire if they carry the SEM line of products. The dye should make your panels looks good again. I refinished almost all the red interior parts in our newest Maverick and they look as good as new.
The original has square edges so if yours is C shaped it is definitely aftermarket. Try a local auto upholstery shop for the chrome clip. They call the trim C-chrome. It is actually aluminum. It's used for aftermarket vinyl tops and can be bent into any shape. The clips are chrome plated steel. They come with one open end and one closed end. Just bend and snap the closed end tab off to use it in the center. If you can't find one locally I have dozens here. Fred
Has anyone used vinyl "DYE" from VHT? This product claims to "penetrate" the material, which sounds better I think? Here is the product bulletin... Art
Isn't there also a vinyl dye you can apply with a foam brush? You can get custom colors made/blended at any auto paint supply store. Art.....Ford also offered a vinyl top just like that for a maybe it is factory?
Craig, Yes Ford did offer that style vinyl roof, however this one is aftermarket. Sad to say, whoever put this one on did not follow the factory "lines", as the angle is incorrect at the starting point (it doesn't have that up-sweep along the back window). Dave, The reason I want to change the vinyl top color to black is to match the interior, and I think it will be more striking. I also want to remove the molding along the side of the car (which is also aftermarket and held in place with the two sided foam tape). Once that is done, perhaps I'll change the pin stripe and then it will be good enough for now, until I get back on my feet someday and start the Stallion conversion process.