ok so i know theres the steering wheel puller option, but is there another way to do it, with tools from my house? if not i'll just get the puller
There's no way I'd try it without the puller. Some parts houses will let you use one for free but require a refundable deposit.
I guess that'd be pretty stupid to pay $15 for one since you could rent it for free. That's just my opinion - and basic common sense - unless you're in the steering-wheel pulling business. -Politically incorrect (and not losing sleep over it either)
Well, I'm not in the steering wheel pulling business, and it was still worth every penny of the 15 bucks. It's silly to assume that you're only gonna pull a steering wheel once in a lifetime (lack of common sense). There's no guarantee that a person can rent one for free where they are, but if he can. I say go for it...
yea, thats what i was gonna look into, and theres a few places around here that might just loan me one for an hour
To pull a steering wheel without the proper tool.........It can be done! But, the investment of a wheel puller is well worth it,besides you might run into using it elsewhere.
Hmmm, all I had to do to pull the steering wheel off of my 76 was take the nut off and wiggle and pull on it some. It came right off.
i have done it this way also...the only diff. is i left the nut on about 2-3 threads so i wouldn't slap myself in the face with the wheel... ... ...
haha, i was trying to just pull it off, but i couldn't, i thought it might hit me in the face if it just popped off...i didn't think to put the nut on a few threads...got the puller and my new steering wheel is on
autozone makes you pay the $15 bucks, and then you get it refunded when you are done.. so its not about being dumb.. thats the smart way to do it... or you can buy it, and use it whenever you want
you can still take it back, and say, " Yeah, it didnt work, so i took to a shop, they said it was rusted" and get your money back not the honest way, but it is an option, if you are short on cash
they're a good tool to have, I have 3, cause everytime I need one, I can't find mine (lend my tools out to everyone, should start a rental bussiness, but that's another story) Mine are double duty jobbers, steering wheel/ balancer pullers, but they can be used for all sorts of good things