Several of us mid-westerners have been planning a get-together in St Louis for this spring. It will be March 24th at John Chandler's place in Warrenton, MO. If you think you might attend, post a headcount so John can buy enough burger material. We don't have all the details hammered out yet, so feel free to give your input. It will probably be an all day, or most of the day thing. Should probably be able to work in a cruise or something. Some information from the ongoing discussion: "As far as bringing stuff I will just need a head count for the amount of people that will be here and i will take care of the burgers and dogs buns,plates and blah, blah everyone can bring their chairs, a dessert of some sort or chips, potatoes salad you know the BBQ stuff. What time works good for everyone? To the people that do not know where I live I am @ the Warrenton exit 193set you trip meter once you get to the stop light, head North on 47 (towards Hawk Point)you will go 1.2 miles my house is on the left side and the mailbox says 2223 on it, I will have something out front to make sure everyone sees where to go"
Matt, I would love to go but have a vacation planned for the end of March. Not a full one just 3 days 4 if you count sunday.(I like to break up at least one week) Going to Black Mountain for a ATV trip in Hazzard County Ky Specifically the city of Evarts. If you guys do a late fall "gathering" I will plan on being there.
Thanks Matt you beat me to the punch on posting it on this forum. Everyone is welcome , if anyone needs any additional directions let me know See everyone on the 24th:dancingpa :dancingpa
Hey Lance how about the Street Machine Nationals in Springfield MO, September 14-16. A full weekend of fun. We had 4 Mavericks at the show and a couple of others at night.
What time are we getting started? I have to work in the evening so I'm going to show up right on time.
Around noon or so. I will need a head count by Wednesday so Please chime in if you are coming, and how many are in your group !!!!!!!!!
What to bring I will providing the hamburgers, hotdogs I just need anyone that is coming to bring a side dish. We will see you there!!!!!!!!
Sorry I cannot make this one. I have not been on in some time. I attend many car shows/cruises over the summer maybe we can organize a Maverick invasion at one of them.