Nope not Jim here. Jim looked my car over before he painted his. His has a bit more red in it. Mine is very close to the factory Burnt Orange.
Got back this afternoon but I had to go straight to work, the BBQ was great! Thanks to everyone, especially Jim Allen, for the advice and help and good times.
Yes the BBQ was a succuss!! :dancingpa Thanks to Jim, Fred, Greg, Bruce, Butch,Matt, Roger, Robert amd all the families. The weather was fantastic, good conversation and the ice cream and video that Jim brought was great. I look forward to seeing everyone in the very near future. Thanks to Butch to for bringing his Doug Thorley headers and other parts so everyone could see how they looked. Thanks again Matt for the wheels, I did have intentions of putting them on another car but I think they will go on the Comet! Lynda did get home @ 8:00 she said next time she will be sure to be here..... Luckily I had enough time before she got home to get an anniversary card to keep myself out of the doghouse!
sounds like a great turn out ....and some say to have a good meet it has to be at a ford car show ....for me where there is great people and good food and Mavericks and Comets..there?s going to be a great time