Hey guys. My emergency brake does not work so they failed me on my safety inspection. I changed out all brakes shoes Calipers etc and adjusted my E- brake as far as it will go. The threads are rusted out and I can not go any further. I have attached a picture of the piece (top of picture. What is this part called? Can I get it at a parts store or am I going to have to find one at a junk yard? These bars are all that keeps me from driving the car legally. In Texas we can not register an out of state vehicle until it has passed inspection. I have it insured but not registered. Go figure!
Ed, Sometimes we overlook the obvious dont we? Thanks for the suggestion. I tried to back off the nut but it snapped. However it snapped in a place where it still had threads and I was able to use the bolt and tighten the brake with washers added. It still does not work. The handle is now very tight but it is not stopping the car. Any ideas what else it could be?
not to sound like a smart butt, but it is hooked up in the drums isnt it? maybe the brakes just need adjusted.
one of the rear cables frozen. or both are. have someone put parking brake on while u watch to see which cable (s) wont move.
They use to sell a adjuster for cables. looks like a j-hook with a curve for the cable. Tighten up the hook and it pulls the slack out of cable. Not sure if the parts store sells yet, should be easy enough to rig one up. Make sure (pull hubs) everything else is up to snuff. Good luck
I'd pull off the hubs and have someone operate the E-brake while you make sure the are opening the brake shoes. I also think the Auto Parts store could order the "Equalizer Rod" or Lever if needed - or you could fab one up easily enough.
i hit the brake once with the drum off and had a hell of a time getting it back on and adjusted....maybe it was just me... ... ...
Yes,,,Dont hit the pedal with drum off! unless you like to see the inside of wheel cylinder! You can work the emergency brakes with drum off an no problem. Best way, check shoes to see if all looks good, put drum back on, spin axle (should be free), Pull emergency, drum should be tight.
I DIDN'T SUGGEST FOR ANYONE TO "HIT THE BRAKES"! I said to "OPERATE THE E-BRAKE". Don't make me come over there, Frank (and visit Summit Racing while I'm there! )