i had no idea finding a mav or comet in maine for under 600 is this dang hard. the guy at the junk yard with all the good solid maves and comets wont let me pull one for under 1000! "8 mavs ,2 comets!" dang i see people finding them all the time. i can spot one from "a mile off" but there are none in my area in the odd back yards and stuff! i have a budget to work with now.going from a comet gt clone project to near broak with no car to work on within 4 months sucks.what should i do?i dont want this dream to pass me by while im young and willing to tackle such a project. enybody got some advice?
Keep your eyes and ears open....Something will come along....maybe you can work for the owner at the junk yard for those $1000 dream machines....Good Luck!!!!
Thats the way I was, working on a budget, and trying to put together a decent car, but then I lucked out and found the 77 that I'm driving now. Just be patient and keep looking and something is bound to fall right into your hands.
...start looking for a ...Mopar...then people will be trying to give you a mav/comet... ever notice that when ...you ...are looking for something...you find something you were looking for ...eariler ... ...
Work with a realistic budget first. You are talking about a $400 difference in just getting a "good solid" car? I am sorry, but it sounds like a doomed project already. Rocco
My thoughts If you found a solid car in Maine, I would say it is worth the $1000. If you find a car in another State you have to add the costs associated in getting that car home to the price of the car.
yup and that cost would kill the reson.cars are cheap around hear.i found a 1964 plymouth savoy last month but the old lady who owns it is never home.i want to get this rust free ga car to turn around and sell it for a comet.
Finding a rust free Comet in Maine is like finding a needle in a haystack. Any car that old with the body in good condition would be worth at least $1000. My brother in Portland bought a Mustang (don't remember what year), and the floorboards were all rusted out. Unless a car has been garaged and not driven in the winter, you won't find a solid car in Maine. Roz
My Maverick is from Buffalo, NY and solid as a rock. I got it for the price of gas to go drag it out of a backyard (in SC) where it was literally sunk in the mud where it had been sitting since about 1993. The car goes against all conventional thinking when it comes to hunting for solid project car. Comeing from NY, then sinking in the mud in humid, salty aired South Carolina for 13 years. Bottom side of the car has absolutely no rust to be found anywhere. Just tiny little specks of rust on the roof. The right car will slip up when you least expect it...
It's not that hard to find rust free cars in Maine. A lot of people don't drive their "good" cars in the winter months, instead they have a "winter" car. I lived in upstate NY and Maine for years and always drove a junk Chevy through the winter. At least it was not painful to junk it in the spring. Like any old car they are not common but are still around. Last year I found a nice 71 Comet in Ellsworth Maine for $800.00 or best offer. The car was sitting all summer so I imagine it sold for a lot less. When Kurt first started looking I did find another in the same town but it was at a used car dealer so the price was a bit inflated. A salvage yard in Sturbridge MA just crushed all their cars. Any car was $500.00. They had a decent 72 Comet that got crushed along with an immaculate 75 Maverick. Unfortunately they decided very quickly to crush everything and everything was gone in a week, including the Maverick and Comet. I am still keeping an eye for one around here Kurt. I was in Maine Monday and Tuesday but didn't have time to get in touch with you. I will be back up in a few weeks and will definitely call you. By the way McIntyres in East Dixfield also crushed all their cars. My 77 Granada is from Bar Harbor Maine. It was used only during the summer and stored in a heated carriage house all winter, $500.00. It's not a Comet but the price would have been the same if it was. The owners just looked at it as an old car they didn't need. Fred
yup i found a rust free 81 granada,i walk buy it every day! he wants 150 bucks for it. i have found a 77 mav with 38000 miles on it in the next touwn over and theres no rust or body work on it enywhere. the guy wants 1500 for the car and it has "all" the paperwork. so im selling alot of my model airplane stuff to get the car. whish me luck!
man, my story to a "T"! Looking for a Mopar, see the Mav. Buy it, then immediately find a Dart I had to have. Buy it too, put the Mav up for sale, but it doesn't sell. So now I have both! Jody
i got mine in arizona from a 92 year laidy for 600.00 never been out of az 5400 miles all oem never wrecked 2nd owner 302 2bbl auto treated like a baby only driven 5 mo. a year she lived in oragon came t az for the winter got it in 03 both car amd her are still alive and well