Hi all, I recently snagged a 5 lung rear end out of 4 door. I want to convert my Grabbers 4 lug rear end. Can I unbolt the Leafs from the car and install the 4-door leafs, rear end and all at one time? I guess I am asking will it all bolt right in or will I need to anything else to it. Thanks for the help! Jerryfow2
might want to change the bushings out at that time. i got my rear ones from napa. front ones i changed to aluminum when i put the cal tracs on.
The 4 door springs will give you a little more lift, if I remember correctly. Thats new compared to new. Correct me if I am wrong.
5 lug 4 dr have a little stiffer springs if they're not abused. Take both your's and the 4 dr off and lay them so you can check the leaf thickness, number and arch. If anything you might just take a few of the longer ones from the 4 dr and add them to your's. Don't use Alum bushings. They're a race only part. Poly if anything, but the old ones can be a bi%$ch to get out, drill and burn method.
I used a shop press to get my bushings out for the Caltracs, but they put up one heck of a fight in the process! Definitely tested my press on that one! But I've used the drill and burn before...just make sure you're not in your garage when you burn it, it gives off a ton of black soot!
Thanks Everyone, I will change bushings while its out. I am just glad the Sprint already has 5 lug rear (drum fronts). If I can find another set of disks I will change it over as well but the grabber and its 302 need the disks more than the Sprint for now. And there is so much play in that Grabbers rear end. Too many burnouts on the poor 4 luger I guess. With the rear wheels off the ground you can hear it click in side when you spin the wheels! Thanks again for all the help guys! Jerryfow2