Well, considering that the guys who designed the pistons said that it relieves the cylinder wall loading, and they probably know more about that than you and me put together, I'll take their word for it. Actually it does change (lessen) the rod angularity, if you visualize it correctly. The rod will be closer to being centered in the cylinder.
Then you NEED A BALANCER and quit try to scare me with you muscle.....talk your own trash, cause just the sound of that name makes me a nervous freakin' wreck :sorry:
DO you at this exact moment have a balancer you can put on your car and it work properly and not screw anything up? NO~! You can send her down here.....I'll just let Becky answer the door, they will hug and start talking, then after about 10 minutes of that,Kendra will have forgotten why she even came
Now play nice! I can still close my eyes and see all the women jumping when John scared them through the window at the BBQ!
back to the question 331 has a better ratio and in the long run lasts longer. But then most 347s a racing only setups so that's not a fair comparision. 331 is just easier on engine parts and blocks. Less grinding required and if you need the extra 16 cubics, just stroke a 351W out.
A friend of mine has a 331 in his GT350, spins some HIGH RPM with it, it is very impressive. But on the other hand I'm very happy with my 347.