Hey all I'm Mark.. I just picked up a clapped out 71 two door. Cheap!!! I'm gonna build into a mild bracket car with a nice windsor and c-4. So far The floors are done (mustang floors work pretty well. thanks to this site I knew that) Cowl is patched up, Subframe connectors are in and I'm plugging along nicely on the body work. Just happy to be on the site finally. Hello to everyone See ya in carslyle next week Ps my pics are too large to post I'll work on it
Welcome to the site. Here's a link to download Microsoft's freebie Image Resizer: http://download.microsoft.com/download/whistler/Install/2/WXP/EN-US/ImageResizerPowertoySetup.exe Good luck with the project.
:Handshake hi Mark, i'm from ...outside of bufflo... also... ain't we all get those pics. resized so we can see that car. ...O.O.B...
resized pics Don't mind the date on the first one it was nov 18 06, when I went to look at the car... The next is from a few weeks ago, not much farther along yet. Don't worry the shoebox and the porsche aren't mine.... Mark
progress indeed! Yeah I'm tryin' not to mess around.... I'm on vacation next week hopin' to get some color on it... But We'll see how that goes... I still have some metal to make... What I can't afford I'm gonna have to make.... Sounds like fun doesn't it... Cars are my crack and I'm hooked
More pics If you guys want any certain pics let me know I have about 200 progress shots... PS the keystone lights in the first pic aren't mine I'm a bud man