Does anyone have a spare piece that connects to the side of the engine block on a column shift,auto,302 car that the shifter linkage connects to?
I have the linkage Mav...just got it from Corbin and it wont work on my you need the bushing on the linkage or the part that threads into the engine block that the linkage connects to?
he needs the part that screws into the block. do you have the bushing also? would you happen to have a pic. of this thingy?...frank...:bananaman L.T.N.G.
yea...I can get a picture of the thingy...its what he needs though...the block bolt is smooth on one end so the bushing slides easily on and can be adjusted for length with the nut... I also have the bushing which is part of the rest of the linkage. Believe it or not, my local Ford dealer had a box full of bushings for this linkage ...I was in SHOCK Let me know what ya want and an address and I'll get it to ya Thx Rick
if it wouldn't be too much trouble let us see a pic. and i can tell you what parts i need. i might could use the compleat set up. do you have the part# for the bushing?...frank...:bananaman L.T.N.G. p.s. that white car looks great.
I dont have a part number...I just told em what I was lookin for and he pulled a box of bushings off the shelf I'll get ya a pic tomorrow if I can...It may be sunday though...Give me an email addy to send it to. Thx Rick P.S....its wimbledon white...original paint ...only white fords came in at the time I think..
rick, my email addy is in the members profile. i tried to get that bushing at the ford place today and it said it was obsolete. they had the ones for the linkages but not one for the thingy that screws into the block. they are two diff. sizes on mine. that is why a pic would be nice. thanks...frank...:bananaman L.T.N.G.
I don't know if the bushings (Ford calls them insulators) for an I-6 are the same, but here's a picture of the ones I used.