Drivers side exhaust manifold is extremely close to the steering box. Could it be a wrong part or do V8's need a specific drivers side exhaust manifold? Should we just switch to headers before we have new exhaust put on the car? If so, recommendations? Just want to be safe and do this car right for my brother. Thank you much!! Haley
Nope, that is OK. Headers will be even worse. Mine almost touch, I cannot even slip a finger between them. But, don't shy away from headers because of that...Headers are a wonderful addition of power and sound. Hooker 6901 are the most recommended, Hedman has a set also...
If your going to redo the exhaust anyway, why not go with headers? Mine already had them when I bought it. I really like them. Cast iron Hedman I think. I just put on new pipes and Flowmasters not long ago. Sounds sweet.
Thanks much...looking into the headers. We shall see, I am working a bit over budget...may leave it for my brother to do if he wishes, but the questions were answered!
I put the Hedman elite hedders HED-88300 from Summit for $135.88. I could still get fingers between shock towers and headers and steering box. Crate 302 with Al heads although I had to go with floor mounted shifter linkage in the way of pipes and bellhousing
NO!! 6901's will not fit a column shift auto car. i had to switch to a floor shift and use a drop bracket for the power steering.
If you do a search, there have been folks that have modded the column shift auto linkage arm to fit with 6901s. Some have bent the arm, while others have found a better fit by cutting it and welding the halves back together at a different angle. Column shift manual will not work at all. If you are not comfortable with getting in there and remaking the shifter arm linkage, then a cable shifter on the floor would be the easiest way to go. Personally, I am a big advocate for headers, so either way is worth it IMO. Dave
I will attempt to be crafty and rig something up from billet steel. I would like to keep the col. shifter. Should not be too difficult to make a linkage, but we'll see. I work with a few top notch machinist too so this should not be too hard to do.