Would that be the ranchwagon from Mo. if it is that damn car is heavy!! Not sure how I missed this post when it was new but very cool!!
Yuppers, Robert, its the one we froze our asses off trying to get it on the trailer. What a road trip that was!!!
It may have been cold and that car did'nt roll for crap........but it was still a good day with great company looking forward to the next time.<----goes for Dan as well. Matt I abuse like family
That looks kinda goofy with the top on it. My idea is too have a working top. Also most everyone that cuts the top off of these cars, cut it right at the bottom of the back window. That makes the car look like a hunch back in my opinion. Kinda like a Saap, I mean Saab. Unfortunately, the convertible got pushed out by the Ranchwagon, and the Ranchwagon got pushed out by the Comet GT. If only I had the space to keep them all going. But one day I will finish it.
i see what you mean about the hunch back i bet 4 door 1/4s and trunk lid would lay a little fatter though