I am getting ready to install my exhaust and I've been curious about not running tailpipes and leaving the exhaust open after the mufflers with turndowns. Can someone tell me if there are any performace gains from this. I have seen it on a lot of cars and just wondered what made folks choose not to run complete exhaust with tailpipes. What are the benefits if any and what are the disadvantages (other than noise maybe) are there. Is it illegal? Just curious.
don't think there are any gains but it is way louder..my dads friend has magnaflows on his fox body with turn downs and it sounds great...i'm going to do the same thing on mine maybe because their gas tank didn't allow it...on your 70 there wont be a problem PS its not illegal in cali
I am in the process of setting up the same setup. Legal in texas as long as the turndowns are behind the line where the door seals up to the body where the striker is. I think it looks very clean, no pipes sticking out and no trying to route them over the axle. Should be easy to remove when you need to drop the engine, tranny, or anything else that would be easier with no exhaust in the way. And, sounds GREAT!!! I have this on my truck with Flowmasters, after first having it exit out under the bumpers. When I cut the exhaust pipes off, it didn't get louder, just deeper in tone. I kinda got the same effect on my car when I cut them and turned them down just past my glasspacks. Not much louder, just a deeper, more aggressive tone. I am going to redo all of it and go with a flowmaster muffler...
"Sounds great!" is a relative term. My maverick and my pickup both have the tail pipe turn down just in front of the rear axle. I had done to the truck and that is the way the maverick came to me. Both "sound great" most of the time, but there is this thing called "cab resonance". At certain engine speeds, the whole car vibrates and it is VERY loud and annoying after a while. It also is damaging to your ears over time. I am about to turn the exhaust out from under the bed in front of the rear wheels on the pu and run a tail pipe on the mav. Enough is enough.
Indeed. Above poster is spot on. I've been a re-seller for flowmaster for years... they rate their mufflers for interior resonance as well as exterior Db level... as an example, a '40' series muffler (which I sell for around $50 bucks, by the by ) has a VERY high interior level of resonance. If you combine that with a stripped interior and closed windows, it can at times be like driving inside a huge kettle drum, lol. Personally, I like LOTS of noise- exhaust, motor and blower whine. I run no mufflers on my Mav with true duals ending in 4 individual pipes sticking out and up in front of EACH rear wheel- ala mad max interceptor, of course. ...but then again, I was already hard of hearing when I got out of the service, so it really didn't matter, LMAO. I'll post a pic of my exhaust when i welded it up in a min just for fun. lastly: There is a performance gain/loss to be had depending on the tq your motor makes in relation to the length of the pipes after the collectors- also has to do with the science of exhaust scavenging and velocity.... but we're talking the kind of tuning that guys who are seriously interested in the difference of 5-9 hp engage in... on a street car, its really more about how you want it to sound/look.
on my olds, directly after each header is a glass pack, the a 90* out ward turn that exits right behind the drivers side door on each side. it sounds good but is really loud (which can be good or bad depending on your opinion). I dont like the look of tail pipes out the back much anyway, i like it to come out the side somewhere before or sometimes after the rear tire on each side. under the door is cool because you can literally blow away who ever in unlucky enough to pull up next to you
the other fun thing about upswept zoomie side pipes on my car is that I am installing a digitally controlled "Flamethrower" rig... 8 bursts of flame on command out each side at a red light should WAKE UP the tools in the Honda next to me, LMFAO. :evilsmile
holy crap thats insane. are you just going to tap out holes and mount a spark plug in each pipe? i was going to try flames on another car of mine but didnt know if the unburned fumes and a spark plug would be enough to get anything. i hear alot how people turn off their ignigtion so the engine just pumps 100% unburned fule out of the cylinders into the exhaust, but that seemed a little much for what i wanted. i didnt want to hurt the engine in the process
no no man. thats old school. check out this site... particularly the FAQ. This is where I'm getting my kit from. http://www.hotlicksexhaust.com/
... and piss off all the people at car shows when you are blowing crap all over their nicely polished cars as you drive by ....
You should definitely run tailpipes on a street-driven car. An exhaust system's greatest restriction is the bends over the rear axle, but you can simply use a larger diameter pipe from the mufflers back, to compensate...
If your car is so nice that you take it out and expect no dirt or dust to get on it... leave it in the garage or put it in one of those indoor shows where you leave a mirror underneath the engine. but keep it off the grass and dirt fairground shows. And that is coming from someone who 1) has no less than 5 different colors of paint on his car, and 2) invites showgoers to touch, take a seat, and take a ride in his car...