and he told me he got my car started and it sounds sweet and all but he is very discouraged with the shift linkage assembly. My car was originally an I6 car. I used a v-8 c4 and he's telling me the shift linkage is wayyy off. Can someone recommend a car that I can get the shift linkage from. I also have 6901 headers. He says it's very toght and the entire linkage needs to be changed. I have read where folks have modified the linkage to accommodate column shifter. Any help here appreciated.
i have the B&M mega shifter, instead of the column shifter. i know some on here have modified shifter linkage.
Yeah, I know I can go to the floor easily to solve this problem. I wanted to keep the column shifter.
i hate to discourage you but many have tried to keep the column shift and 6901's but VERY few have accomplished it. much easier to move it to the floor.
When he says the linkage is way off, does he mean without the header issue? Floor shift and column shift have different tranny levers.
It the linkage where the header/shifter connects. You guys (some of you) give up too easy. There are a few folks that have tried this with success. If I can get this to work with knuckles. I will mass produce them and sell them myself. There ain't no such word as can't or too hard... If there's a will, there's a way!! Come on guys...
It's PIMPIN... and you obviously know nothing about that... I'm kidding. To each there own. My car has a cool look to it and I like the column shift. Totally O. G.
You can use a cable from the column shift linkage to the transmission and avoid all the problems associated with mechanical linkage. I takes a kittle planning and some fitting work but you will be happy with the results.
yeah, I think they look cool and add the element of originality to the build. Does anyone have info about the cable used.
I wanted to keep the coulmn shifter when I did the swap but I gave up TOO easy and ended up putting a B&M quicksilver floor shifter in and I'm glad I did...I like slapshiftin just wouldn't look right doin that to a column shifter...