I just took a closer look at the scoops on my grabber hood. I noticed that the scoops are decorative only.(solid no air can pass through) I thought they introduced air to the intake area to increase hp. Do I have the wrong scoops or do I need to modify them??
they were never functional...although maverick man is woking on a carbon fiber version that will have the scoops intergrated and will be functional.
Vern, all of them are supposed to be like that, decorative only. My opinion would be to leave them that way as opening them will add very little in the way of increased airflow unless you also build ducts and even then I doubt those small opening amount to any real benefits. The second Grabber hood I bought actually had the fake honeycomb missing - someone took a dremel tool or something similar and opened the entire scoop. I didn't like it so I got some plastic honeycomb from the grille of a Dodge (gasp!) truck and glued it behind the hole to restore the original look.
Man, I remember when I was 16 and decided I would see a horsepower increase when I took the scoops out one bored day. I really expected a seat of the pants feel with those out. Makes me laugh now. Dan
What about the scoops I've seen on the Comet GT? They look like they would make a practical difference If there was a hole. Are the GT factory scoops just for show as well? (Never seen one up close).
yeah there just for show too. its just bolted to a stock comet hood. i can tell you they would have alot more potential though since they flow alot better. my scoop is pretty simmular and is functional. it does give me a little bit of pick up even on a 6