wow, a spool in washington. you're braver than i am. was this on I-5. i used to live in the bremerton/port orchard area. i was also in the reserves at mc chord afb next door. washington state rain festival--------january 1st through december 31st.
Spool on the street... Hate that it happened to you, glad no one was hurt. However spool on the street is really bad idea.
It is in the description of his car. Not to get into a battle over "should or should not" run one on the street. Just the nature of the beast and anyone running a spool needs to be aware of conditions. A locker rear or a posi with a nice stiff set of clutch packs can get you into the same trouble on wet or snowy roads. It has happened to me with a detroit locker in a pickup truck on wet roads and when it happened - I was going in circles in seconds - no time to even counter steer. It was crazy!
Hey, I'm just happy to be alive. Yes it's spooled. Yes, I was complaicent. But the important thing is I'm a sexy man-beast.
I too know what its like being a sexy man-beast (its not as easy as it looks) join the club bubba, join the club
Heck ya,, have I done crap I wasnt supposed to do? Oh yeah!!!!!! Do I have stuff on some of my cars that makes them cooler yet potentially less safe,, yeah. By just adding larger wheels and tires I have thrown my braking potential into another realm,, which is less braking power. So yeah,, not dissin over a spool,, just to say I am guilty of doing stuff too. Dan