Brought the car home today and could not enjoy the ride because the hood kept flying open in towards. When I had the car painted my paint guy told me they were shot. I told my mechanic some specifics about the hood being that the hinges were bad (it needed to be opened a certain way to prevent bending) and for some unforseen reason he oiled them and now they are WORSE!!! I can't go more than 5mph before it starts to open. With this said, does anyone know where to get new ones. Thanks!!
Do you mean the back was rising? I had the problem too .. turns out the hinges have to be installed as high as possible on the fender apron. I kept trying to adjust them lower on the apron figuring that was the problem but turned out to be just the opposite ...
It's worth a shot adjusting them. After I had my car painted I put the original hinges back on and it rose about an inch over 50 MPH ... then I bought new ones and put them on ... again .. it rose about an inch over 50 MPH ... I finally adjust them up a couple of weeks ago ... now at 70 MPH the passenger side doesn't move at all ... the driver side still goes up slightly ... needs just a little more adjusting ...
Mine does it goin' down the road. Driver's side comes up at least an inch. I don't know how to adjust I haven't! Preston
I had to readjust the position of my hood so it didn't bind on openning, but I have never had a problem of it not staying put on the road. I don't understand why it would if the bolts are tight.