If you keep the collumn shifter, won't that be a problem with headers? I can't imagine going to this much trouble to switch engines and NOT installing headers.
I went with a B&M MegaShifter and have not been sorry. The fact that it works with a cable & not linkages made my life alot easier on the install. I have about 2000 miles on it and shifts manual or auto great!! Good Luck.
Oh I forgot???? I also added a Lokar kickdown cable so I didn't have to mess with a linkage as well. But be sure to get the adapter kit for your carb (they don't always tell you that). Just my two cents, I'm sure others have theirs as well.
I like that one, but decided (like GrabA72Mav) to go with the Megashifter. No particular reason, I just like it. And having cables is pretty convenient, linkage isn't fun to deal with. I think any B&M shifter will do you fine tho.
I didn't have to convert my linkage? I did re-work the linkage so I could keep my column shift with my headers......Just food for thought.....
I use B&M, easy to install, easy to use. Mine is the Street Bandit. It just takes a little time to learn the trigger, then it is fun to watch others try to drive it (including the state inspection guy...I thought he was testing the horn for 10 minutes, then figured out he didn't know how to get it out of D and into P and was honking for me to come and help him get it into PARK ) This can be used like a column shifter, where you just put it on D and drive along. Or you can pull all the way back to 1, and slam it into 2 without skipping the gear, then pull the trigger to go into 3. It prevents you from accidentally going from 1st to 3rd during a race. But most of the time, you just pull it back to D and drive like normal. Pic is from my carpet installation thread, so nevermind the loose wires and tools, etc. (The fuzzy dice are staying...they are the closest things to "air bags" that I own )