i wear one of these http://www.sparcousa.com/pracewear_acc.asp?id=55 helps the neck from getting sore from those lauches.. if you ever get a chance to watch yourself in a video form a in car cam watch how much your head moves with the helmet on! high back seats also help with the movement.
two words.....throttle stop...we believe the motor we are putting in my daughters Courier will run mid to low 6 seconds in the 1/8th...initially she won't see anything below 7.9 seconds with the use of a throttle stop until I'm very comfortable with every aspect of racing that truck. I think I'll be making shakedown passes in it by next weekend. On a sidenote...this is one bad ass little 302 in this hay hauler..
Don you know that running 7.90's in a car (truck) built to run low 6's high 5's is way easier (aka smoother) than running 7.90 in a car built to run 7.90
safety Well this is what I'd do. First use steel braided lines on all flammable liquid lines, brakes, seen them burst, fuel oil trans lines (if auto), scatter shield if stick, blanket if auto, grade 8 wheel studs and high quality lug nuts, hate it when a wheel comes off. Oil pressure switch that turns off power to electric fue pump if using one. Make sure the welds on the roll bars is expert, not some fly by night welder. Get all the interior carpet, molding etc out because it burns and puts off bad gases. And probably the biggest thing, trust her to do it right and let her know that you do. Don't show any fear in front of her or she'll get nervous too.